Eat Stop Eat Review 2025 – Brad Pilon Diet System Fails?

Following a strict regimen to lose weight is not everyone’s cup of tea. It includes strict techniques to lose weight by following a strict diet. I can never follow such a strict regimen as I am too busy with my work schedule and personal life. I came across a famous e-book of Brad Pilon “Eat Stop Eat”, in which he bursts the myths about fasting.

In this book, he has talked about keeping 1-2 fast per week to lose fat and keep the toned body.

Eat Stop Eat Review – Brad Pilon Diet System Fails?

Eat-Stop-Eat-System review shouldyou buy


  • It is a simple and easy approach to weight loss.
  • Easily understandable by all age groups as there are no rigid rules to follow.
  • Audio version available for those who don’t have much time to see the videos.
  • No limitation of following strict diets, and one can lose weight by enjoying their favorite food.
  • Brad’s testimonials are backed by solid research and studies.
  • Intermittent ways of fasting help to regularize the blood flow in the body and boosts metabolism.
  • Proper Diet is the key to bring in discipline and control over when to indulge.
  • This program is beneficial for both fat and lean people as fasting is good for detoxing the digestive system of the body.
  • Flexible approach for those who enjoy food and drinks of their types and cannot put restrictions on it.


  • Not for everyone – At the beginning of the book, only Brad has made it clear that one should consult a physician before fasting or following the diet plan.
  • Too plain and standard design- The book is written in simple black and white format, but other authors usually spruce up the things by adding a design to it.
  • No proper diet plan- The program does not lay down a proper diet chart to follow, and for those who are looking for nutrition diet patterns, this program is not worth trying.
  • No workout plans- Brad has not given the detail about any proper regimen to follow, and only fasting is described as a weight-reducing technique.
  • Not for instant results- This program is for those who have time for their body to undergo all the changes stepwise and not hastily.

Further details about the author:

Eat STOP Eat review brad pilon

Brad was a man who was obsessed with exercise, health, and nutrition and was a research analyst at one of the leading supplement companies. During his research on  “The Metabolic Effects of Short Periods of Fasting in Humans and its “Potential Application in Weight Loss,” he found that people did not slow down their metabolism and that fasting did not cause muscle loss all on its own.

People didn’t lose any muscle at all, and their metabolism was improved. He uncovers the truth about how fasting helps in detox the body’s impurities and increases metabolism. This system works well and can help you maintain your diet in Passover 2017 and Pesach 2017. I hope you have a good year ahead of using this system!

About the book:

Eat STOP Eat review

The basic idea behind writing this book was to enlighten the traditional ways of fasting in losing weight. Brad focuses on how not eating for 18 -24 hours a week helps to build a better digestive system and immunizes the body of various digestion problems. The diet plan explained in the book is not rigid and easy for everyone to follow without saying no to yummy foods.

The only idea behind Eat Stop Eat is to lose body fats without harming the muscles and eating the right food and doing proper exercises for better digestion.

He has done proper research on all the methods he has given in the book and provided proper backings to his scientific studies. Unlike many books related to diets and fitness, this book is simply a guide to introduce frequent intervals in food intake without causing any damage to the body.

Eat STOP Eat review testimonials

This book explains the wrong strategy of eating for the sake of living and teaches how to cope up with the food eating intervals by indulging in other activities.

The book covers the advantages of fasting as it:

  • Helps in losing weight
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Speed up metabolism
  • Improves hunger
  • Improves eating habits
  • Improves brain function
  • Improves immune system

This mechanism of fasting and dieting helps in clearing the skin problems and filter out the impurities of the body. The proper scientifically researched material provided in this book shoves away the traditional methods of losing weight.

My Personal Approach to the book:

Eat STOP Eat review testimonials scam system

With the research of obesity cases on the rise around the world, there is a need to cut down those extra body fats. I was one of those suffering from bumpy body structure and was tensed about my condition. Despite trying many weight loss training programs and drugs, there was no effect on my body. But after buying this Eat Stop Eat e-book, I realized that whatever strict regimes I was following was a waste of time and money.

I simply started following Brad’s diet and was quite happy to see the change. It is a simple guide which shows us the correct way of losing weight by the change in lifestyle rather than losing weight fast by any means.

I lost almost 15 pounds in 3 months, which was quite surprising for me too. I enjoyed all the drinks and food items that I used to enjoy but with little moderation.

By giving frequent intervals between the food intakes, one can easily get the desired results. Brad’s testimonials play a big factor in explaining everything about the program.

As I have benefitted from this program, I will recommend everyone to try this once rather than going for rigid and strict diet charts and exercises. For a perfect nutrition plan and fast weight loss, one may refer to other sites.

Eat Stop Eat Review Conclusion:

Eat STOP Eat pricing buy now

Brad Pilon has given full flexibility to the program so that anyone can use it anywhere by just bringing small changes in lifestyle. There is no need to embrace all those advertisements of slimming pills and rigid techniques to lose weight. Instead, by paying a nominal amount of $37, one can advantage of a simple and easily understandable program that is recommended for all age groups.

If you do not find any prominent results, then there is an easy 60-day money-back policy.

Eat STOP Eat review testimonials reviews part 1

The program is designed in such a simple format that guarantees a 100% result. I would recommend this program to everyone as this alternative technique is refreshing rather than being tied to the strict fitness regimen.

I hope you like Eat Stop Eat Review. Please share your opinion in the comment box below.

One who loves to eat and cannot be bound by strict workout plans and regimens, then this is the best available option for them.


Kasey Sullivan is a travel enthusiast, relationship coach, and wellness advocate dedicated to helping individuals live their best lives. Through her contributions to JETBlue, she offers valuable insights on travel, dating, and health, igniting the spirit of adventure in readers and providing them with expert travel guides and recommendations. Kasey's expertise in relationships and personal growth shines through her dating and relationship advice, providing readers with actionable tips and wisdom for fostering meaningful connections. In the health section, Kasey dives into topics such as nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being, equipping readers with the tools they need to prioritize self-care and lead fulfilling lives.

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